Advertiser / Brand: Reeform, Los Angeles
Advertising Agency: Telegrafik, Oakland
Founder: Weldon Angelos / REEFORM
Strategy: Andrew Floor / TELEGRAFIK
Managing Director: Daniel Stein / TELEGRAFIK.COM
Account Executive: Kirsten Merit / TELEGRAFIK
Chief Creative Officer: Mark Winn / TELEGRAFIK
Artist: Georgia Lange / TELEGRAFIK
Marketing: Josh Karchner / Glass House Brands
Director, Digital Marketing: Olga Lopez / GLASS HOUSE BRANDS
Creative Director: Terry Diamond / GLASS HOUSE BRANDS
Sr. Director of Business Operations: Jeff Brunello / GLASS HOUSE BRANDS
This Clio Cannabis 2023 Bronze winning entry titled 'Release. Rebuild. Reform.' was entered for REEFORM by Telegrafik. This piece was submitted to the Social Good medium. It consists of 2 videos and 6 images.
See all 2023 winners2023
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